“From this morning’s train ride: Here’s one long, continuous line drawing. It was hard to do when people sitting next to me were getting on and off at their stops.”

That’s a caption on one of SASHALYNILLO‘s drawings (shown above) that caught my attention. It was mind-blowing to find out that some of his sketches are drawn without lifting the pen from the paper until the picture is complete. An image of what appear to be train passengers that I would have rated as just ‘pretty cool’ seconds ago suddenly seemed extremely interesting and worth sharing right away. Here is another one-liner I felt similarly about.

I can imagine the zen-like process of trying this out, learning to go with the flow and not turn back to pick at details. It’s a cool idea for doodlers to give a shot next time you’re having artist’s block. SASHALYNILLO is an artist based in the Bronx who thrives on sketching in moleskines. His pen sketches are simplistic and highly stylized at the same time, and usually based on images from daily life or political subjects. Here are some of my favorites from his doodles made on trains.

If you’re addicted to tumbling as well as doodling, follow Doodlers Anonymous on Tumblr for even more daily inspiration. You might even see yourself on there!